Consistency can be a bit overwhelming

So what do you do when you have several stories and a couple of draft novels all occupying the same universe? Well, you get very confused and very overwhelmed. My first novel, Any Tomorrow, has been sitting in stasis on Amazon for a couple of years now. Since then I’ve…

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Ray Travis wanted to be a writer

Ray Travis wanted to be a writer, It was his sole ambition, But as things do so often, Life got in the way. Ray Travis was a good writer, Everyone said so, Although few actually read his words, Life got in the way. Ray Travis wore a uniform, Fell in…

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How to buy a car

Car salesmen, as a class, have a reputation that is not entirely favorable.  Considering their history, I can’t say that it is entirely unearned.  On the other hand, it is also not entirely their fault.  Now, I know what you’re going to say, it seems like everyone today is a…

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Father’s Day

When a parent dies, It is not so much for him, Or her, That you cry, But for yourself, Because in their end, You see, Your destiny. ©Copyright 2018 by Kevin Fraleigh

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And I want to fall

I am a sad song. I am darkness. I am age. I stand at the cusp of the void, waiting. No expectations. No regrets. Only transition. I am a sad song. I have no release. The words, the lyrics, bind me and hold me. I cannot be free of them….

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The working office

If you saw my office, you might mistake it for a junky spare room.  The only clue that there is anything special about it is an oversized desk and the computer—and books, lots of books.  With only a single chair at the desk, it does not invite visitors. When I…

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Navigating Hyperspace

Yes, I’m still working my way through Michio Kaku’s Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension .  Full disclosure requires me to tell you that while I can easily grasp the higher concepts and especially appreciate the human aspects of the minds that generate them, the…

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Hyperspace and the Snows of Charleston

Okay, so I’ve been reading Michio Kaku’s Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension and it got me to thinking about applications of the fifth dimension to my fiction.  I did touch on the idea of parallel universes in Any Tomorrow, but I thought…

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The Sin of Complicity — FDR, Auschwitz, and the Lilliput Troupe

The world is so much clearer in hindsight.  That’s why historians practice what’s called the “fifty-year rule”.  The rule is a tacit acknowledgment that it is virtually impossible to judge history objectively until the consequences of historical events have played out and been realized.  The downside to this however, is…

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A Writer Considers Arthur C. Clarke’s Space Odyssey Series

One of the advantages of reviewing an older series of books is that unless your readers have been living under a rock, they already know the basic storyline: Dave Bowman and Frank Poole fly to Jupiter and HAL, their hyper-intelligent computer, tries to kill them.  Pretty straight forward, or is…

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