And I want to fall

I am a sad song.
I am darkness.
I am age.
I stand at the cusp of the void, waiting.
No expectations.
No regrets.
Only transition.

I am a sad song.
I have no release.
The words, the lyrics, bind me and hold me.
I cannot be free of them.
They fill me with a darkness that is inescapable.
Age precludes any hope of rescue.
My only hope is to become one with the void, completely nothing.

I do not fear death.
Death is a physical process.
Death is foolishness.
This is something more.
Becoming one with the darkness.
This is something beyond death.
This does not wait for death.
This is becoming the void.

I am a sad song.
The words and music lure me towards the edge.
I want to follow them.
I want to fall.
I want to be embraced by the nothingness.
I want to be nothing.
I am darkness.
I am age.
I am at the edge.
And I want to fall.

©Copyright 2018 by Kevin Fraleigh