Ray Travis wanted to be a writer

Ray Travis wanted to be a writer,
It was his sole ambition,
But as things do so often,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis was a good writer,
Everyone said so,
Although few actually read his words,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis wore a uniform,
Fell in love, married, had children,
Then doctors, school, church,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis served the war,
While others fought,
It left him a changed man,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis did his twenty,
Began another career,
A commute, a house, responsibilities,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis broke his heart,
A time bomb was in his chest,
There was no more time,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis finally retired,
A spare room for his office,
A desk, a lamp, a computer,
Nothing could get in his way.

Ray Travis poured himself onto the page,
The words from a lifetime of disappointment,
Visions from a shackled imagination,
Life got in the way.

Ray Travis woke up dead,
He was buried with his words,
He had wanted to tell his story,
Life got in the way.

©Copyright 2018 by Kevin Fraleigh