Covid crimes

Over the years I have struggled to keep this blog apolitical, focused completely on writing, but sometimes events overshadow the best of intentions. Sometimes the horror of life is greater that any horror fiction might imagine. Still processing this. On May 6th, Malette and I found out that a good…

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So Begins The Revolution!

Okay, so here’s the scenario: You’ve had enough. You’re motivated to action. The country is falling apart. The people are ready for a change, but no one is strong enough to lead the revolt. So you have an idea, just as clear as glass. What the revolution needs is a leader. But…

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Sex And Murder In A Nursing Home

Okay, so you’re a psychopath. You’ve killed. You’ve raped. You’ve tortured. And you’re good at it. You’ve never been caught. But now your hair is graying. You’re too slow for a knife. And you can’t swing an axe like you did when you were young. It’s time to start thinking…

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