I haven’t forgotten about you

Yes, I know that it’s been a long time since I’ve posted an article, but I’ve been busy. Really. There are so many cat videos.  And important political memes.  And life. But don’t worry. I’ll be back. Soon. Because I miss you. I promise. ©Copyright by Kevin Fraleigh 2018

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Thirty-nine times around the sun, together, so far

When you reach a certain age and a certain point in a relationship, every anniversary becomes an existential contemplation of how two bodies wandering through the cosmos are drawn together in a perfect unbreakable orbit. ©Copyright 2018 Kevin Fraleigh

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Doctor Who and Warped Passages

In previous posts, here and here, I mentioned that I was slowly and painfully making my way through Michio Kaku’s Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension (1994).  Dr. Kaku, a brilliant futurist and theoretical physicist who’s CV would embarrass the fictional Sheldon Cooper (Big…

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The working office

If you saw my office, you might mistake it for a junky spare room.  The only clue that there is anything special about it is an oversized desk and the computer—and books, lots of books.  With only a single chair at the desk, it does not invite visitors. When I…

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Navigating Hyperspace

Yes, I’m still working my way through Michio Kaku’s Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension .  Full disclosure requires me to tell you that while I can easily grasp the higher concepts and especially appreciate the human aspects of the minds that generate them, the…

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Hyperspace and the Snows of Charleston

Okay, so I’ve been reading Michio Kaku’s Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension and it got me to thinking about applications of the fifth dimension to my fiction.  I did touch on the idea of parallel universes in Any Tomorrow, but I thought…

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The Sin of Complicity — FDR, Auschwitz, and the Lilliput Troupe

The world is so much clearer in hindsight.  That’s why historians practice what’s called the “fifty-year rule”.  The rule is a tacit acknowledgment that it is virtually impossible to judge history objectively until the consequences of historical events have played out and been realized.  The downside to this however, is…

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A Writer Considers Arthur C. Clarke’s Space Odyssey Series

One of the advantages of reviewing an older series of books is that unless your readers have been living under a rock, they already know the basic storyline: Dave Bowman and Frank Poole fly to Jupiter and HAL, their hyper-intelligent computer, tries to kill them.  Pretty straight forward, or is…

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Wearing Sneakers to Church

“Me and God have an understandin’,” he said. “He don’t put on airs and I don’t either.” That’s how I feel, also.  Maybe it’s because I spent a dozen years in Hawaii and now live in Florida, but I can’t imagine any reason for owning, much less wearing, a tie. …

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Road Trip — Epilogue

The end of the end, isn’t that what he said?  And he was right, of course.  The end of the end begins after the beginning, which is birth.  Every moment following that is the end of everything, on an individual level, on a global level—it’s all a matter of scale….

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