Marketing Me

Okay, so my eBook, Any Tomorrow: The Calling, is out there, published, available at Amazon, Smashwords, and Diesel, soon to be at Barnes and Noble, Apple iBookstore, Sony, and Kobo.  My eBook is out there floating around in the ether with thousands of other eBooks.  It’s out there, but how…

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Any Tomorrow: The Calling in the Diesel Bookstore

I discovered yesterday that Any Tomorrow: The Calling is now in the Diesel eBook Store catalog.  Same reasonable price, just $2.99.  I’d really like to see sales from each of the venues (Diesel, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Sony etc.) so I’ll know how much of that $2.99 I actually get…

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Mourning the OED

It has finally happened.  The last great bastion of the English language has sequestered itself into elitism.  The Holy OED, the Oxford English Dictionary on-line, is now available only by paid subscription.  What was the ideal reference for writers has lowered itself into the abyss of filthy lucre and restricted…

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Working through Writer’s Block

Writer’s block.  We all get it.  Writer’s groups on-line are full of posts seeking the magic cure. There is only one cure for writer’s block ― to write.  Wow, that seems counterintuitive.  How can I write if I’m blocked?  How about this… Let’s say you’re writing a novel and you…

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The Location Worksheet

In an earlier post I discussed the Character Worksheet I used to keep track of all the characters mentioned in my Any Tomorrow Trilogy.  The worksheet simply lists the name and a basic description of each character.  This tool is very handy to make sure names aren’t too similar or…

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Finally in the Premium Catalog!

Today’s post is all about because Any Tomorrow: The Calling has finally been accepted into the Smashwords Premium Catalog.  This means that, besides being listed on the Smashwords website, it will be distributed to a range of other sellers also.  The following schedule was provided for distribution. Channel Next…

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Monday Update

What I am reading ― As a geographer, I find Peter Turchi’s Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer an absolute must read.  His use of process of exploration as a metaphor for the discovery process we, as writers, use is apt and dead on.  More than that it…

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Character Worksheet

In one of my first posts I mentioned that I developed a rather detailed worksheet to keep track of my characters, locations, and specialized language references.  As I continued my editing of Any Tomorrow: The Curse and Any Tomorrow: The Culling, I thought I might update the worksheet. I have…

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A Matter of Perspective

If you go to and search for books with keyword of “horror”, you’ll get 56,575 results, but only 9,202 are Kindle Editions. If you search for books with the keyword “speculative fiction”, only 745 results are returned, but only 320 are Kindle Editions. If you search for a book…

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I Really Need a Checklist

You know, sometimes the most obvious things are the easiest to miss.  Both Kindle and Smashwords provide the option to post a detailed description and keywords (tags) to help potential buyers discover your eBook.  In the rush to get the eBook text loaded, it’s easy to miss those couple of…

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