A Matter of Perspective

If you go to Amazon.com and search for books with keyword of “horror”, you’ll get 56,575 results, but only 9,202 are Kindle Editions.

If you search for books with the keyword “speculative fiction”, only 745 results are returned, but only 320 are Kindle Editions.

If you search for a book using either of those terms and add the word “Florida”, “horror” returns 23 Kindle Editions, while “speculative fiction” returns only 1 Kindle Edition.

So, if a Kindle reader is looking for a book in the horror genre about Florida, then my eBook, Any Tomorrow: The Calling, has a much better chance of being discovered.  From that perspective the idea of my eBook being pitted against 9,202 other eBooks in the horror genre isn’t so bad.

I’m not so concerned with the total number of books available on Amazon, because mine is only available in a specific format and will probably only be of interest to a niche readership.  It could happen, but I’d seriously doubt that someone looking for a cozy historical romance or an algebra textbook will peruse my book description and think that “the story of an unwilling fellowship compelled by an undeniable destiny who find their ultimate meaning in a world savaged by a nuclear and biological apocalypse” is going to appeal to them.

But you never know, each of us has empty places in our lives, places normally left to the shadows, that might be filled with dark fiction. You never know.

Well, the good news is that my new, longer description, along with the new keywords (tags), is now live on Amazon.  Now that Amazon and Smashwords are finally in synch, I guess my next job is to get into more social media and try and interject links to, and discussion of, my book at every chance I get.  For those of you on Facebook, I already have a FB page for the Any Tomorrow Trilogy.

And speaking of the Any Tomorrow Trilogy, my goal is to release the second book in the series, Any Tomorrow: The Curse, in early June.  Now that I’ve got the first eBook out, the formatting process for the second book shouldn’t be nearly as awkward.  I already have a pretty good idea of what I need to do and how I want to do it.  As the time gets closer I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

If you have any questions or comments about this or any other post, please leave me a comment.  I’d love to hear from you.
© Copyright 2011 by Kevin Fraleigh.