I finally cried

My friend is dead
I only knew him for a couple of years
Not that long
Not that well
But fate brought us together
I know not why
Or maybe I do
Life is a mystery
Enveloped in smoke from a Marlboro
And washed away by a Guinness
Before it is fully understood
Before he was fully understood
Now He lays still
His coffin inadequate to carry his soul
The words spoken at his service were inadequate
And I was inadequate to add my words
Because it was his story
Not mine
Not the preacher’s
His alone
But his story is not ended
Just begun
The flesh is not the end
Not the finale
In memory he still lives
In my memory he will live forever
And the memories will ripple through time
Touching generations yet unborn
My struggle to understand this
Flowed out from my eyes
Releasing his memories into the world
Joining the fates of the countless numbers
Lost but not forgotten
In a world somewhat less for his passing
Somewhat better for his having been in it even briefly
And when it was over
I finally cried
Not for him
Certainly not for myself
But for the lessening of us all
Who will never again
Hear his laughter
See his smile
And know what it is like
To be in the presence
Of a truly good man

©2021 Kevin Fraleigh