Character Worksheet

In one of my first posts I mentioned that I developed a rather detailed worksheet to keep track of my characters, locations, and specialized language references.  As I continued my editing of Any Tomorrow: The Curse and Any Tomorrow: The Culling, I thought I might update the worksheet. I have…

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What about the second book?

As I have been waiting to see what would happen with Any Tomorrow: The Calling and have started talking it up among chat rooms and groups, I’ve also been final editing the second book in the trilogy, Any Tomorrow: The Curse.  In fact, Any Tomorrow: The Curse is almost ready…

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Now What?

Okay, so my eBook is active on in the .mobi format for Kindle and available in a variety of formats from  I must say that getting the eBook into both distributors was much easier than I first thought it would be.  Using the Smashwords Style Guide was very…

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Okay, maybe the exclamation point is a bit over the top, but Any Tomorrow: The Calling has been submitted to Smashwords and Kindle.  It will be listed for $2.99. It will take a few days before the eBook shows up on Smashwords and even longer before it gets distributed to…

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The Story Unfolds

cjsand asked for it, so here it is.  A teaser, a little hint about the storyline of the Any Tomorrow trilogy. I guess I should have provided this before, but up until very recently I wasn’t completely sure what form the novel would take, or even if it would be…

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Those Dark Thoughts

Please note that this page may contain one or more links to As an Amazon Associate, if you click a link, follow it to Amazon, and buy the item, I get paid for providing the link. Purchasing the item through the link will cost you nothing extra, but will…

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More Decisions to Make

Well, we’re almost there, just a few more pages to edit and I think I’ll be ready to begin the process of Kindlizing (is that even a word?) my eBook.  I’ll start with Kindle because I imagine that by the time I have the format down for Kindle, it will…

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A Step Closer

As I work my way through this writing and editing process, I am constantly amazed by the all the changes I’ve experienced. For instance, I’ve finally decided that my novel will now be a trilogy.  It started out as a thought, then grew and grew as plots and subplots developed…

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Editing, Reviewing, and Revising (continued)

Everyone wants their novel to be perfect, but how many novels have you read that contain absolutely no errors? Even novels by well known authors published by major publishing houses contain errors. Nothing major, perhaps a small typo, a transposed letter, or word. It does happen. Human error is inevitable….

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Editing, Reviewing, and Revising

Having decided on a publication strategy, morphing my 330,000 word novel into a trilogy, I am once again in the throes of editing, reviewing, and revising. I have three main goals in this process. My first goal is to wind up with tight, concise, well crafted story. My second goal…

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