The Series Is Complete!

The third and final novel of the Any Tomorrow series is in the pipeline for publication at Amazon and Smashwords.  Any Tomorrow: The Culling is available from Amazon and Smashwords now and at other distributors such as Barnes & Noble sometime in the coming weeks. While I was at it,…

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A Quick Update

Latest Submissions: I just submitted a short-story for the October issue of eFiction Magazine.  The title of the piece is “Christmas”, for lack of a better name and for no other reason than it takes place at Christmas.  If it gets accepted, I look forward to your opinions about the…

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I’ve published my e-book, now what?

Okay, so my first eBook, Any Tomorrow: The Calling, is available from the major eBook distributors, including,,, and I’ve successfully self-published through Smashwords and Amazon, creating every aspect of the publication, including the cover art. I even blog about the self-publishing experience at My dilemma…

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Tell me about it!

Now that Any Tomorrow: The Calling is available at the major eBook distributors (Amazon, Diesel, Barnes and Nobel, Smashwords) and a few intrepid folks have downloaded copies of it, I thought I’d provide a place on the blog for readers to provide feedback about the book. The Review, Critique, Suggest…

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Marketing Me

Okay, so my eBook, Any Tomorrow: The Calling, is out there, published, available at Amazon, Smashwords, and Diesel, soon to be at Barnes and Noble, Apple iBookstore, Sony, and Kobo.  My eBook is out there floating around in the ether with thousands of other eBooks.  It’s out there, but how…

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I Really Need a Checklist

You know, sometimes the most obvious things are the easiest to miss.  Both Kindle and Smashwords provide the option to post a detailed description and keywords (tags) to help potential buyers discover your eBook.  In the rush to get the eBook text loaded, it’s easy to miss those couple of…

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