Facing facts

It’s time to face facts. I am 65 years old. Given my family history, I have perhaps ten, at the outside fifteen, years left to write. Facing this reality I have made several decisions about the Any Tomorrow series. In its latest iteration Any Tomorrow rings in at more than…

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Unpublish me!

One of the positive things about owning the content of your novel is that you neither have to explain or provide justification for decisions you make concerning it.  And that is fair, considering that you are the sole stakeholder in the creation and publication process.  While it is true that…

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What’s Important To A Writer

After the writing is complete. After the editing is finished. After the years of struggling to bring the story together. After a lifetime compelled. What is most important to a writer, Even more than money, Is to be acknowledged. To not be ignored. To not be lost to the world…

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Writing Holiday, Sort Of

This will be quick.  I have approximately 39 hours to convert two steno pads of notes into my novel, B-24. I already have 25 typed pages―single-spaced, no brakes. So, I figure that between what I have already, plus my notes and some elaboration, I should finish with a respectable page…

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Is Anybody Out There?

The worst thing a writer can say is, “Hey, what’s on TV tonight?” The second worst thing a writer can say is, “I’ll just be on the internet for a minute…” And there it goes, the best intentions for starting a new story, editing one of those fifty trunk novels,…

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What Should I Do Now?

Well, it’s been almost a year since I published the first volume of my Any Tomorrow Trilogy.  And I must say that the results have been remarkably unremarkable.  I made a decision to break up my 300K word novel into three parts, but my feeling is now that it just…

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The Changes Never End

Okay, so I’m planning to publish Any Tomorrow: The Culling, the final novel of the Any Tomorrow Trilogy, in January.  Everything is ready to go.  The problem is that a few weeks ago I started working on what I thought would be a new novel tentatively called The Last Pope…

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It’s Great To Be Back Home!

Very late last night I came dragging in after a number of delightful hours squeezed into spaces barely fit for human habitation, much less flight.  About the only good thing I can say for the experience is that Coke and peanuts are still complimentary and my car was still sitting…

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Repeat after me: Revise, Revise, Revise!

The latest on publication:  As I wrote in my last post, my short story, ‘Christmas’, was rejected by eFiction Magazine, but with good reason.  Following the rejection, I submitted the story to the eFiction Workshop and received some very helpful criticism.  The criticism identified a number of technical errors and…

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On Staying Organized

I was planning on writing a nice long article about how important organization is when writing an eBook of over 300k words, especially if the action takes place over a long timeline, several continents, and involves hundreds of major and minor characters.  Just trying to not repeat names is difficult,…

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