Thanks for your service, goodbye

Being retired 
I know that it's over
But I still wait
For the call
That would pull me back in
Behind the doors
Where the secrets lie
But I also know that
The call will never come
I am forgotten
And I know that
I shall die incomplete
Never knowing if I might
Have done more
To save the world

©2022 Kevin Fraleigh

3 thoughts on “Thanks for your service, goodbye

  1. I don’t miss the military at all. I have rarely ever been on a base since I retired in 2001.
    The more I think about my time in the service the more resentment I have toward the service.

  2. Hi Kevin. Been a long time since our days at the 548th. Must be fate…your writing popped up during a google search and I said wow I know him. Lol. I understand your feeling about our military service, but look at it this way…. mission accomplished. We served our time honorably and handed the torch off to the youngsters we trained. We retired and closed the military door, so we could open new ones and continue to explore and serve. The military was just one of many life’s stepping stones….I do not lament graduating high school, nor do I feel unfulfilled by not becoming a high school teacher. Same with the green door…was interesting while behind it, but we completed our mission and moved on….no regrets, we did our best and moved forward with many new opportunities. Take care old friend.

    1. Great to hear from you, Jerry. I hope you’re doing well and enjoying your retirement.

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