Why have I stopped writing?

Why have I stopped writing?
That could be a tough question
Unless you already know the answer.
And I do.
I have stopped writing (for now)
Because I am terrified of my words
And the power they hold over me.
Words have power.
They transport me through space and time
To see what must be seen
To tell what must be told
So that others may share my darkness
And escape the horrors of the world.

I speak not from madness
But from experience.
Once I immerse myself in words
There will be no time or space
For anything or anyone else.
The words will have control
(And I have given it willingly).
The world is an illusion,
The cares of the day, distractions.
Only the words have meaning
Only the words provide a purpose
Once the words are gone
I will have nothing left.

I must write.

©Copyright Kevin Fraleigh 2019