The Series Is Complete!

The third and final novel of the Any Tomorrow series is in the pipeline for publication at Amazon and SmashwordsAny Tomorrow: The Culling is available from Amazon and Smashwords now and at other distributors such as Barnes & Noble sometime in the coming weeks.

While I was at it, I also revised some of the formatting in Any Tomorrow: The Calling and Any Tomorrow: The Curse to ensure consistency through the series.  And there are new covers for all three books.  Thanks to my son, John, and Doug Lance from eFiction Magazine).  John did the Photoshop work using images I took, and Doug hooked me up with a much cooler font that I had used on the previous covers.

With the full series in distribution I can step back, take a deep breath, and think about what comes next.  I’ve amassed a fairly good stock of short stories and novellas or novelettes only a few of which have been published, so I need to make a decision whether I want to publish them as one or more eBooks, or try to get them published in a magazine.  It’s a tough choice because many publishers won’t accept previously published material.  Some even consider posting all or part of a story to your blog as “previously published”.   And the pay can range from a token copy of the publication to 5 or 10 cents a word.  And on top of that there’s a spate of other rules regarding copyrights, reprints, and royalties to consider.  For anyone considering submitting material to a publisher, you may find helpful.

You know something, I think I just talked myself into publishing a collection of short stories.  I’m developing storylines for a couple new novels, but for me a novel is a long term investment.  I’m talking years.  Short stories can be completed in a few days and are more easily peer reviewed.  So I guess that’s something to look forward to.

If you have a few minutes, why not stop by Amazon and check out the Any Tomorrow series?  Let me know what you think of the books.  I really appreciate any feedback I can get.  One of the nice things about ePublishing is that improving the story is as easy as an upload.

Shameless promotion: My novels, Any Tomorrow: The Calling and Any Tomorrow: The Curse are available from leading eBook distributors such as Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.  Any Tomorrow: The Culling will be available everywhere soon.  Watch for my latest short stories in eFiction Magazine.

If you would like to share your ideas about what I’ve written, feel free to contact me either here, on my blog, or using other social media.  Thanks.
© Copyright 2012 by Kevin Fraleigh.