A definition of horror

I saw a post that tried to describe what horror was and I had to answer it.

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Fate is a thief

RetirementThen the heart attackI thought I would beThe center of your universeCaring for meBut nowYou don’t feel wellAnd I must care for youAgainMy lifeOur livesPut asideBy the weakness ofFleshAnd mindOnce againFate stealsOur destinies ©2021 Kevin Fraleigh

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At midnight whence all is still

At midnight whence all is stillI sit on my bedsideAnd drink in the quietFor the first time in the dayI am alone with my thoughtsYou and the animals sleepBut I am restless before restingAnd my thoughts will notLet me abandon them so easilyI consider time and spaceMortality and immortalityGod and…

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I fear that I shall never write again

I fear that I shall never write again Not seriously Not a novel Ten years A thousand pages And my characters will languish In purgatory Their fates untold Their destinies unfulfilled And I Their creator Will fade Unknown Unremembered Leaving behind Only tears of disappointment On an unwritten page ©2021…

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The only thing I know

Everything I have ever believed had faith in or loved is a lie. The world is a deception the book the words all lies. My smile is a false front my jokes my laughter all lies. The history they taught us the religion they fed us the lies swell around…

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Too soon?

Is it too soon to wonder about the post-apocalyptic world our children will inherit? Even when COVID-19 is declared dead, it will not be done with us. The fear it has sewn into the fabric of our daily lives will haunt us through generations yet to be born.

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Road Trip

We’re just a couple of weeks from my favorite holiday—Halloween!  What follows is something to get you in the mood, especially if you’ve ever harbored concerns about the cleanliness or safety of those rest stop bathrooms… I think most of us have been there.  You’re on that road trip, and…

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My Greatest Fear

My greatest fear is that after I am gone, after I have become soulless ash, someone will discover my stories and say, “He had such great potential.  It’s such a shame that he never—“ © Copyright 2015 by Kevin Fraleigh.

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Everyday Horror

Horror isn’t always about monsters or a psychopath with a chainsaw. Horror is the simple things. Like walking across a parking lot and realizing that the car whipping into the parking spot you’re standing in isn’t going to stop. And you can plainly see the driver’s face, a woman in…

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