Facing facts

It’s time to face facts. I am 65 years old. Given my family history, I have perhaps ten, at the outside fifteen, years left to write. Facing this reality I have made several decisions about the Any Tomorrow series. In its latest iteration Any Tomorrow rings in at more than…

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Any Tomorrow Complete Lives!

My first series, compiled in a single e-volume, Any Tomorrow Complete, is selling again!  That makes me feel good.  It might not make me a millionaire (and from what I’ve seen of millionaires I’m not sure I’d even want to go there), but I’m stoked that a few valiant souls…

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Finally! Any Tomorrow Complete

I’ve been considering this move since the Any Tomorrow Trilogy was first published.  For those of you who have been reading this blog for a while, you may remember that the decision about how to best publish my 300K-plus word novel caused quite a dilemma for me.  One book or…

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I Need Your Opinion

I’m working on a new intro for my eBook, Any Tomorrow: The Calling.  Would this make you want to know more about the story? Could the world end without you knowing? Could the dead surpass the living without you being aware? Could the desolation overtake the earth without you being…

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Five Reasons I Self-Publish

I am pleased to announce that I have received my first check from Amazon Digital Services for sales of my two novels.  A little celebratory music please! Okay, that’s enough. Now that the music and cheering across blogosphere has subsided, the reality of the first payment sets in.  After more…

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It’s Great To Be Back Home!

Very late last night I came dragging in after a number of delightful hours squeezed into spaces barely fit for human habitation, much less flight.  About the only good thing I can say for the experience is that Coke and peanuts are still complimentary and my car was still sitting…

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Managing Social Media and More!

It is a wet, awful day here in Central Florida.  But it is the perfect day to get caught up on my blog and the other social media I use to talk about my books and stories.  To tell the truth, I haven’t been very good at exploiting social media…

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A Quick Update

Latest Submissions: I just submitted a short-story for the October issue of eFiction Magazine.  The title of the piece is “Christmas”, for lack of a better name and for no other reason than it takes place at Christmas.  If it gets accepted, I look forward to your opinions about the…

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Downriver on the Cat

I’ve said before that inspiration is where you find it.  Inspiration can even be found in adventures provided for a nearly four year old.  All you have to do is keep your senses open to the world around you. Two Fridays ago, five of us, including my granddaughter, Hannah, boarded…

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Revising the Product Description

Thanks to my friends at eFiction Magazine’s Book Marketing Group, I’ve transformed my long, unfocused product description into a more dynamic pitch for my eBook, Any Tomorrow: The Calling.  Advice from eFiction editor Doug Lance and group member Richard Sutton helped me rebuild my product description following some simple general…

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